
The “detection idiom” is a means to provide “detectors” (code from a using type definition whose definition has an expression wrapped in decltype(...)) that can tell if a given expression compiles.

template<typename _Default, typename _Void, template<typename...> typename _Op, typename ..._Args>
class detector

A class to be used for the “detection idiom”. Provides value_t for the true_type/false_type dichotomy and provides type for the detected type.


This is more efficient and useful at the member declarations level, especially when needing to dispatch to functionality that may or may not exist in wrapped or base classes.

Public Types

using value_t = ::std::false_type

The type that provides the value static member variable.

using type = _Default

The type chosen from the detection operation.

class nonesuch

A class specifically for the case where the detection idiom cannot detect the requirements.

using ztd::is_detected = typename detector<nonesuch, void, _Op, _Args...>::value_t

A commonly-used alias for getting a true_type or false_type indicating whether the operation was successful.

template<template<typename...> typename _Op, typename ..._Args>
constexpr bool ztd::is_detected_v = is_detected<_Op, _Args...>::value

A _v shortcut for ztd::is_detected.

using ztd::detected_t = typename detector<nonesuch, void, _Op, _Args...>::type

A _t shortcut for using the ztd::detector to provide either ztd::nonsuch or the given type as yielded by the operation applied to the arguments.

using ztd::detected_or = detector<_Default, void, _Op, _Args...>

A shortcut for using the ztd::detector to provide either _Default or the given type as yielded by the operation applied to the arguments.